Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sacred Sites

We covered a lot of territory exploring archeological sites during our Mexico City adventures. On our first full day, we explored the Templo Mayor - Aztec center of the universe - which they discovered in 1978 while digging for the subway. It is dead center in the main plaza of Mexico City. As we walked through, there was constant drumming and the smell of copal from the non-stop Aztec dancing and purification ceremonies. Yowza. So amazing.... And that Chac-mool! (take another little piece of my heart...)

Wed., Dec 30 we took a bus to Teotihuacan and explored the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon. We walked the whole length of the city (Avenue of the Dead) and Hal climbed to the very top of the Pyramid of the Sun (268 steps and the 3rd largest pyramid in the whole world) and captured some amazing sights....

Helene was able to sing to the moon at the Pyramid of the Moon hours away from the full Blue Moon of December. Pretty darn magical.

In Tepoztlan, we were able to see yet another pyramid built high in the mountains.... we never even saw the people hiking up there until we saw them in the photos. Next time we go, we'll try the hike ourselves...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my moon! this is awesome, i cant believe you guys saw so much in this time, i have been so busy as well .. i cant wait to see you guys soon, and will for sure see you on sunday ..also trying to figure out what time we said anywho if you could email.. blessings, and love!!