Friday, November 25, 2011

Full, Busy Days

 As the RV park starts to fill up, we notice that our social calendar is also filling up almost every day.  Our next door neighbors Sam and Rita have been here two weeks!  In that time, we have investigated a little tequila distillery right here in Mazatlan's golden zone, been to a happy hour and celebrated Hal's birthday (yay!) with tequila AND a new restaurant. 

We had breakfast (a great 6 hour event) with our newest Mazatlan friends in their amazing home - and the best coffee I've ever had.

My garden is so full of life - Nicotiana, cilantro, sunflowers, lots of coleus (from Lisa Martin, Portland, ME), peppermint (Kate's mum-in-law, Pittsburgh, PA), spearmint (Isla de la Piedra), marigolds, poinsettia, purple runner beans....  whew!

We went to see the Mazatlan String Quartet - it was so beautiful....

And we celebrated Thanksgiving in a most abundant way with friends from Santa Fe.   It was the most food I've ever seen in one place - and so deeeelicious.  After dessert, we watched some wonderful fireworks before waddling back home.  We took time to remember all that we are grateful for.  What a great life......

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