Friday, October 14, 2011

Stone Island Experience

 Here's some photos of the setting of the full moon ceremony that Helene took part in with other women. There's not a lot of photos due to the sacredness of the gathering but I took a few of the campsite because it was so beautiful there.

Flor's husband Ismael and I tended the fire and spent a lot of time gathering driftwood to keep the fire going continuously. The full moon was beautiful and the most effect we had from the hurricanes down south were a few drops of rain and one big blow that was over in an hour. We actually welcomed the wind that carried away the jejenes (no-see-ums) that were bugging us all.

The ocean was calm and the water was warm for swimming. This site is about 6 miles from the closest town, on the edge of a coconut plantation. We took the truck into town several times to pick up people and supplies.

I had a great experience but it was exhausting and I'm glad to be home again.

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