Sunday, October 16, 2011

Our sweet little groove

I am trying to wrap my brain around the fact that we have been in Mazatlan 9 days.  Hard to believe….

It was lovely to come back here and not have there be any big surprises.  The RV park has some rigs in storage, but we are the only residents.  Well, us and the iguanas and frogs and other wildlife.

There is no hot water yet in the showers, but I don’t think I’d be using it if there was.  It is hot hot hot and the cool showers feel heavenly.

Our little neighborhood on the north end of town is slowly coming to life.  Last night, we were the first (and only) customers at one of the restaurants up the road.  Our favorite café, the Looney Bean, will open up tomorrow.  Then, on Tuesday, our favorite restaurant, Karma Kitchen will open. 

We have been slowly reconnecting with friends.  The ceremony of the full moon definitely gave us a chance to see some friends and meet new friends.

Ah…. The Ceremony!  I am still processing these 3 intense nights.  Pleased to report that not only did I succeed in completing the ceremony, but I was able to dance in just about every dance.  With the aid of a walking stick  ;-)

I am already starting the hunt for Americans returning to the US that can bring mail back.  And I’m looking for fun post cards all the time.  What can I cut up and recycle today???

We still have some finishing touches to add to our little home – prayer flags are going up today and I will be hauling out all of my flower pots and coming up with a garden plan.  Yay!  When we arrived here, one of my baby plants from a Mother-of-millions plant had actually taken root and now, I have a righteous plant ready to plant in a place of honor! 

And we are one step closer to being more “Mexican” while we are here. (drumroll….) we are not refrigerating our eggs!  Yup.  Going out on a limb with this one, but what the hey!  Everyone else in the country is doing it and they seem to be okay.

Still going through some serious withdrawals around  friends and family.  Missing the NM fam so much.  But, finally starting to figure out the skype situation (walk to the office and cross our fingers), so hopefully we can be more in communication on many levels.

Now, time to make some guacamole and quesadillas for lunch.

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