Friday, October 29, 2010

From Yapalong to Yoopers

Wednesday (We're a little behind schedule, folks.)

Yapalong: this is the name of the walkie-talkie device we use when we ride our bikes so we can talk to each other. And today we took our first bike rides of the season. Our bikes are fresh out of the bike shop where they got tuned up and shined up and all of that for $25 for both bikes. We took it easy for the first time – only about a 45-minute ride, but so sweet.

Yoopers: this is the name of the bar with the 6 big screens where we watched game 1 of the World Series in English. We sat next to an 8 top of Giants fans that did a bunch of shots (SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT!) and drank a whole bunch of beer (CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!) and mamacita lost her mind watching a replay of a home run. Before they all left, someone asked if they needed to stop for dog food on the way home (DOG FOOD! DOG FOOD! DOG FOOD!)

In between Yapalong and Yoopers, we made even more improvements on the home front. McGuyverstein built an awning frame to keep the sun off the bed while we nap in the afternoon and I installed a screen door to keep the breeze moving through the bus when while we nap in the afternoon.

Tomorrow, the coconut expert is coming by to knock the coconuts off the tree that is right next to the bus. Looks like there are 20 of ‘em up there and one already came crashing down last night and made us jump.

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