Friday, November 20, 2009

Revolution Day Parade

Viva La Revolucion!
Our day started with an early morning bus ride to the malecon for a parade! Today marks the 99 year anniversary of the Revolution in Mexico. Our friends Rita and Sam were good sports and got up early to go into town with us. We had the BEST seats at a cafe and we stuck around for two hours (we left and the parade was still going on) watching everything from soldiers with rifles to sweet little girls to lil donkeys. On our way there, we passed the statue of Neptune. My favorite part of the parade was all the women who marched in the highest heels possible. Good luck with your feet and back in about 15 years. But you were soooooo stylin'!

We are almost at the 2 week in Mazatlan mark. I definitely feel like I'm settled and not a tourista anymore. I have read 4 whole books, take naps almost every day, walk and or swim a LOT and even rode my bike. Hal has been working way harder that me - he put in 5 business days trying to get voicemail set up on the cell phone. Finally, switched to another company. Duh. And he will have a Tarot ad in the local rag in a week or so - not to mention flyers in all the hoi paloi rich people hotels. And he's already done a few readings, so let the good times roll I say!

We've been here long enough to have a score card of pluses and minuses. For example:
amazing dreams
ceremony every morning
gecko in residence to eat bugs
produce market nearby
cheap mass transit
better internet and skype than last year!
miss my friends

too many city lights to get good night viewing of sky (we are spoiled by Santa Fe skies)
no-see-ums (these little suckers have a bite that is worse than poison ivy and the best remedy is boiling water on a q-tip applied directly to the bite) (usually at 2 or 3 a.m.)
no tomato plant seedlings

Hmmmm.... I have to move on. Too hard to try and find minuses. Yay!

We went to our first movie EVER in Mexico last night. 2012. Yowza! We can't wait to go back. But I'm bringing a fan (thanks to my sistah, WaterSpirit!) so I don't have to gasp for air which there isn't much of by the end of a movie and what is there has been used a lot....

I'm very much looking forward to the weekend (ha ha ha - which is just like our Monday through Friday life).

and last, but not least, the shopping list and what it cost:
1 quart of strawberries
2 avocados (ripe)
3 bananas
1 pepper
1 jalepeno
2 tomatoes
1 melon
1 cuke
4 apples
3 limes
6 oranges
ta da ~ $6.84

Shopping in Mazatlan: PRICELESS!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When i was in HS, in the dance squad we actually did this parade too, we were the ICO tigers heheh and my goodness it was very long walk.. hahaha and i sure got a tan then.^^