Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Interesting folks

When we were in Aticama, on the way back to Mazatlan, we met some interesting people, including a celebrity in the RV world. If you go to this web address - http://blog.vagabonders-supreme.net/ - you will see an ongoing blog by a gentleman who lives in his RV all the time in the Aticama area. I'd been following his blog for a while and looked for him there and sure enough, there he was on the beach. The day we met him he had just lost his traveling mate - Boid - and was feeling awful. He reunited with Boid later that day and was ecstatic. See details of that adventure on his blog.

We also met a couple from Canada who are living permanently on the beach where we stayed. They are having a permanent palapa (thatched roof structure) built with local materials and will park their RV under it.

Nice people who have figured out how to live in Mexico full time.

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