Monday, December 14, 2009

Life in the slow lane...

We're well past the one month mark of being here in Mazatlan. We've been a little out of touch because I was down for the count with some bug. I'm so much better now - and we have been getting back in our groove of going to the downtown area by bus.

While I was down and out, Hal stayed busy dealing with Jury Duty (thanks to friends and fax machines), Tarot readings (slow, but steady), riding his bike (exploring our barrio)....

One of our first forays into town was to take our first free (tips are appreciated!) Spanish class. The class is in a bar called Canucks and there were about 40 people. I loved my beginner class. Hal checked out a couple different teachers until he found what worked for him. We go back for our second class tomorrow night. I can't wait. I've been studying like a champ for a week!

We finally gave up on our quest for Chanukah candles and found a craft store where we bought paraffin and wicks and came home and made our own. In this whole city of 700,000 catholics, the only Chanukah candles are the ones we made. So, they are also the most beautiful ones in the city.

We have decorated our little piece of Las Jaibas RV Park, and I must say that between the Pentacle wreath on our front door, the home made Chanukah candles, the Tibetan prayer flags, and the farolitos, we definitely have the most eclectic space. God(dess) is too big for just one religion.

Our trips into the downtown are among my favorite activities. The city has a look, a sound, a smell that is unique. Definitely not sanitized American. And the Christmas decorations crack me up. What do Mexicans know about snowflakes? Christmas trees? dreaming of a White Christmas???

Of course, as always, there's nothing like our beach to make me feel at home here. The look, the sound, the smell.... We will probably be there this afternoon after my ROOT CANAL later today.

So, we are happy and healthy and enjoying life in the land of LaLa (big dairy company) and Bimbo (breads & pastries) and GasPasa (guess....)

Stay warm and safe!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Glad you are on the mend - everything there looks beautiful!