Sunday, December 27, 2009

Mexico City Trip

Tonight we're leaving for the big city. It's a 15 hour bus ride (public transit - not ours) and we will be there about a week and a half. Probably won't be able to blog during that time but you can be sure we will be taking pictures all that time.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Party and Kids

Last night the whole park had a potluck dinner and the Salvation Army kids came and sang and received presents from us. It was very much in the holiday spirit and we all had a good time.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Winter Solstice 2009

Yesterday was a special day for us. The shortest day of the year....

We put some time into cleaning and decorating the inside of our little bus. And then, a little food prep for our gathering. And we planted our tomato seeds!

Even though we were hot and sweaty all day long, last night was the coolest night we had in a long time....

Our friends Heather, Denise and Jorge came over to celebrate with us. We made a sweet little fire on the beach and celebrated the longest, darkest night with ceremony and laughter and stories and getting to know each other better. We even had sparklers as we wrapped it up on the beach.... And we had a beautiful soundtrack (the waves of the Pacific) and a lovely backdrop (Grandmother Moon and Jupiter....)

Sitting around a sacred fire, sharing our prayers of gratitude, remembering our family and friends.... We truly felt connected to it all. And now, Winter!

Friday, December 18, 2009

On The Road To Cosala

We drove to Casala on Wednesday with our friends (and neighbors) Sam and Rita. Casala is a beautiful, prosperous, quaint little mining town over 2 hours north of here in the foothills of the Sierra Madres. It is a little town (18,000 people) that calls itself a magical pueblo. On the way there, we passed the tropic of cancer and saw lots of local wildlife (including a stampede!). We had lunch at a restaurant with a great view of the surrounding mountains and also of the town. On the way home, we did a little exploring and went to a waterfall. We also stopped by a beautiful Guadalupe shrine full of fresh flowers and candles. She protected us all the way home. We can't wait to go back and explore some hot springs we heard about.... Perhaps spend the night.

Swine Flu Source Discovered!

Updates to follow...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Life in the slow lane...

We're well past the one month mark of being here in Mazatlan. We've been a little out of touch because I was down for the count with some bug. I'm so much better now - and we have been getting back in our groove of going to the downtown area by bus.

While I was down and out, Hal stayed busy dealing with Jury Duty (thanks to friends and fax machines), Tarot readings (slow, but steady), riding his bike (exploring our barrio)....

One of our first forays into town was to take our first free (tips are appreciated!) Spanish class. The class is in a bar called Canucks and there were about 40 people. I loved my beginner class. Hal checked out a couple different teachers until he found what worked for him. We go back for our second class tomorrow night. I can't wait. I've been studying like a champ for a week!

We finally gave up on our quest for Chanukah candles and found a craft store where we bought paraffin and wicks and came home and made our own. In this whole city of 700,000 catholics, the only Chanukah candles are the ones we made. So, they are also the most beautiful ones in the city.

We have decorated our little piece of Las Jaibas RV Park, and I must say that between the Pentacle wreath on our front door, the home made Chanukah candles, the Tibetan prayer flags, and the farolitos, we definitely have the most eclectic space. God(dess) is too big for just one religion.

Our trips into the downtown are among my favorite activities. The city has a look, a sound, a smell that is unique. Definitely not sanitized American. And the Christmas decorations crack me up. What do Mexicans know about snowflakes? Christmas trees? dreaming of a White Christmas???

Of course, as always, there's nothing like our beach to make me feel at home here. The look, the sound, the smell.... We will probably be there this afternoon after my ROOT CANAL later today.

So, we are happy and healthy and enjoying life in the land of LaLa (big dairy company) and Bimbo (breads & pastries) and GasPasa (guess....)

Stay warm and safe!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mazatlan Marathon

The Mazatlan Marathon passed our park and we were up early to see the first runners. I guess it's one of the major marathons in the world and top runners participate. The first pack were all Africans - and then there was everybody else.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Remaking "The Birds" in Mazatlan

Updates to follow...

Friday, December 4, 2009

The malecon (boardwalk) area of town

Some of the sights down by the seacoast area.

Included are the old Pacifico factory, the beer that built Mazatlan.
The famous, 150-year-old Belmar hotel with its amazing lobby area. The three islands are a famous feature of Mazatlan. Cruise ships and ferries to Baja are common. As are statues, all around the town. You might notice the X-mas tree on the Pacifico factory. Also, there is a shot of the tall hotel we go up on to watch the full moon rise as the sun goes down.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

World's Largest Mural

That's what Guiness says about the mosaic mural on one wall of the new civic center in town. It is beautiful.

UFO Lands In Mazatlan!

Updates to follow...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chaparral Full Moon Night

The fragrance of chaparral (Creosote Bush) wafting in through our new window was so strong during the night that it woke us up. I thought that it would be fun to take pictures of what our park looks like in the middle of the night.