Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Full Moon Loco

The beautiful Full Moon - the RV Park is nearly empty....

But wait! Two new rigs pull in and look where they choose to park. Can you tell how close to our bedroom and kitchen windows the cigarette smoking, loud talking neighbors are??? It is our sincere hope that they are just stopping for the night and then, moving on to annoy someone else. Sheeesh....

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Holy Week, Iguanaman!

Our morning ritual of late goes like this: make coffee and go outside to wave goodbye to our friends that leave. This morning, 6 more rigs left and now we are down to 9 still here. There must have been 75 in our normal winter mode. Today is the official beginning of Semana Santa - Holy Week. The city is taken over by thousands and thousands of Mexicans who come to the beach from the interior. After saying goodbye to our buddies, we took our bikes for one last run down the malecon before it gets too crazy. Hal got to hit some balls at the batting cage. And for the first time, we finally got to watch a cliff diver. When we got back home, you can see for yourself what kind of neighbors are moving in next door.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In our lives....

We are so blessed in our lives. Our community of friends WHEREVER we live is so important to us. We are grateful to the friends of winter 2010 that made our lives rich and full and joyful. Every morning we wake up to the smell of bacon thanks to Arnoldo, Conchita and Paloma; our friend and teacher Bill the birdman; our dentista Paty; Joy came to visit us from Albuquerque; Bill and Jeanette, neighbors and bocce ball champs; Connie our social director; Dayanna and Roberta who are the heart and soul of Luna y Mano; our Stone Island friends - Carl, Bella, Simon, Patty; Nibi Wabo babes Cathy, Sheryl, Heather, Pat and Rita; Mazatlecos Anna and Erik, artists and margarita specialist; Las Jaibans Cathy and Eric; our spiritual and healing connection with Flor and Ismael; Gabriel and Almendra - sometimes Mexico City residents, sometimes Santa Fe; Gabriel and Gabrielito, the BEST Mexico City Tour guides; our pagan family Denise, Heather, Jorge; biker babe Cathy; tattoo artist Sergio; Plaza Machado students; and our next door neighbors and best buds, Sam and Rita......

Monday, March 22, 2010

We love Stone Island

We have traveled to Stone Island many times this winter. It is a five minute water taxi ride from the city and has the best beaches, palapa restaurants, friendly town and it is a great getaway for a day at the beach and for swimming.

Busy last few weeks

We have been busy saying goodbye to friends who are leaving, finishing up with dental work, getting our final beach time in, doing the last few tarot readings, gathering with friends who are learning songs from Northstar, and most recently, making candles. On the spring equinox we went to the beach to make our beeswax (thank you Grant) candles, and it was so windy that we used half the beeswax and stopped. We plan to finish at the full moon next week. So this year we will have two different types of candles.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The start of our day, the end of our day.

In between, it was a day filled with exploring, friends, and fun.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Mom's visit

We all had a good visit from Hal's mom. We hung out in our favorite places, ate a lot of good food, took a ride out into the country, went shopping, hung out at the bus, and look forward to her next visit.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A few sights in the old part of town

Our favorite part of town to explore.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Some things under heaven are cooler than hell

Like a full moon swim in the ocean after Temazcal.
The word Temazcal means Grandmother of Baths. It is the Mexican version of Sauna, Sweat Lodge, steam bath...
But that doesn't even come close to describing what we have been sharing on the full moons here.
A sacred, powerful ceremony that connects us to the land and to our deepest selves. We hear the ocean, we smell the herbs, we feel the fire, we sing, we pray, we share. And sometimes we are in complete silence.
We feel so lucky to be able to participate each month.