Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Getting Ready for Halloween

We had a lovely quiet day at home. Made some phone calls and guacamole. Getting ready for those trick or treaters.....


Friday, October 29, 2010

Labor of fruits and the fruits of our labor…

Well, these coconut guys are real pros. They climbed up our tree with a rope and a machete – barefoot. And the rope wasn’t attached to anyone as in a safety device. The rope was for lowering the bunches of coconuts. Our tree went from lush and full of cocos to a couple of fronds. We had a grand old time sipping from the fresh cocos and have a good supply that ought to last us a while.

In the meantime, I was busy sewing together an awning using part of an old canopy. The best kind of recycling. We tweaked it a little when the wind picked up, but today it was perfect.

And speaking of perfect. Giants – 9. Rangers – 0.

From Yapalong to Yoopers

Wednesday (We're a little behind schedule, folks.)

Yapalong: this is the name of the walkie-talkie device we use when we ride our bikes so we can talk to each other. And today we took our first bike rides of the season. Our bikes are fresh out of the bike shop where they got tuned up and shined up and all of that for $25 for both bikes. We took it easy for the first time – only about a 45-minute ride, but so sweet.

Yoopers: this is the name of the bar with the 6 big screens where we watched game 1 of the World Series in English. We sat next to an 8 top of Giants fans that did a bunch of shots (SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT!) and drank a whole bunch of beer (CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!) and mamacita lost her mind watching a replay of a home run. Before they all left, someone asked if they needed to stop for dog food on the way home (DOG FOOD! DOG FOOD! DOG FOOD!)

In between Yapalong and Yoopers, we made even more improvements on the home front. McGuyverstein built an awning frame to keep the sun off the bed while we nap in the afternoon and I installed a screen door to keep the breeze moving through the bus when while we nap in the afternoon.

Tomorrow, the coconut expert is coming by to knock the coconuts off the tree that is right next to the bus. Looks like there are 20 of ‘em up there and one already came crashing down last night and made us jump.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Home Sweet Home in Paradise

We are pretty darned settled in. The roof of the bus is painted with that fancy ceramic heat reflecting paint (the ceiling is always cool to the touch now), our bikes are back from their tune-ups (taking a ride tomorrow), and the garden is under way.

We are the only ones living in the RV park. We are loving the solitude and privacy to get ourselves back into the Mazatlan groove. Our road trip seems like a dream now. We had some rain in Puerto Penasco and we are happy to report that the bed loft stayed cozy and dry. We missed an earthquake in Los Mochis by a couple of hours. I’m not disappointed. And with all the talk about Narcos and Banditos, as it turns out, it was the mice that brought us to our knees. We lost a whole day to cleaning out the mess. Bastards.

On our first day here, we started seeing friendly faces. On our second day here, we shared a temazcal with our Maz family. On our third day, we went to our favorite cafĂ©, the Looney Bean, and had the best coffee……

We are both still mighty tired at the end of the day, but the nights are perfect for a good sleep. Cool breezes all night. And no bugs. Hallelujah.

Oil Change (Cambio de aceite)

And they say that Mexico is not high-tech!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

We are in Mazatlan

We pulled in to our RV park a little after noon - appears there was quite the party in here while we were gone - found a mummified frog, a snake skin, a lizard, a ton of mouse shit, one fat mouse and lizard eggs (one hatched while we were cleaning up). O! and then there was that Black Widow hitch hiker from Santa Fe. We saw her, but she went into hiding; now we have to be extra careful when we unpack the truck. It took over an hour to get the bus started due to battery issues but everything is now working. When we went out for dinner we ran into several friends who were happy to see us and we were so happy to see them again.

We're tired and sore, but we are here and the weather is so beautiful.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 2

From the hot springs, through the desert, to the Sea of Cortez. And then, watching the baseball game at our favorite watering hole on the beach, Manny's.

Day 1

Truth or Consequences did not disappoint.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

On The Road Again - 2010 Version

We'll be keeping you posted whenever we get a WiFi chance.